

McCall's M7121 Navy Blue Floral Maxi Dress


Hey there! My name’s Liz. And this is where you’ll find all my creating-related ramblings.

A little about me: I live in Chicago with my crotchety, grandma-esque cat named Agnes. I’m a self-taught sewist (such a classy term) and designer. I started sewing just a few years ago one hot summer night when I decided I needed a hobby. I remembered making a few basic skirts in high school and had recently inherited my grandmother’s sewing machine, so I said to myself, “Self! Why not give this a try?” I was instantly hooked and have never looked back.

I fell in love with sewing for two reasons: 1. It was a creative outlet that I desperately needed. 2. I began learning about the practices and production in the fashion industry, how it devastates the environment and the quality of life for those who produce most of the world’s clothing. Sewing allows me to create custom garments that I love (or upcycling fabulous thrift store finds) while sidestepping the “fast” fashion industry.

On this blog I hope to share my projects and inspirations, as well as raise awareness and passion around sustainable, “slow” fashion. Stay awhile and hang out! I’m glad you’re here.


4 thoughts on “About

    1. Wow. I am beyond flattered. Thank you so much! I always look forward to your posts and will do my best to get those posts up soon πŸ™‚ Thanks so much for the encouragement!

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