Fun in the Florida Sunshine + End of Year Thoughts

Hi friends!

So, I’m just gonna say this up front: I’m sorry I’ve been MIA for the past few months. Life with all it’s ups and downs took over for a while, and I didn’t have much time to sleep, let alone sew and update the blog. But I did want to get one last post in before the end of 2015 – a few photos of a family vacation in Florida over Christmas. It was the first time in years that I’ve seen both sides of my family in the same holiday, which made for an incredibly special and rare holiday season. Looking back over the past year, I’m so thankful for the new relationships and incredible opportunities that have come my way, including the unexpected support for this blog. Thank you so much to everyone who has took the time to read a post or leave a comment. It encourages me more than I can express.

I’m really excited to see how both this blog and my creative journey unfold in the 2016. Growing up in the Midwest, it struck me as important from a young age that our calendar year began and ended in the winter – a slow, thoughtful season. It encourages me to enter each year with purpose, and reflect on the past year with gratefulness. To relearn the art of meditating on one thing for a while, instead of trying to do *literally* all the things I can squeeze into a day.

I hope that whatever this past year held, and whatever the next one holds for you friend, that you experience some joy, some peace, some goodness that brings light into your life. Thank you for being a part of my journey, as I am honored to share some small part in yours.

Annnnndd, enough with the sentimental already! See you in 2016!

Christmas in Florida

We all got socks for Christmas!
We all got socks for Christmas!
A family safari to the beach!
A family safari to the beach!
I absolutely love sunsets
I absolutely love sunsets

Florida sunshine



Lights will guide you home
Lights will guide you home